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Mount a SCITAS provided Samba share#

We provide a filesystem on GPFS designed to host folders accessible through the SMB protocol on your local machine as long as you are inside the EPFL network.

You can access it using the address

Find existing Samba shares#

In order to find your share, you can list all the existing SMB shares on our storage using this simple command:

smbclient -W INTRANET -U <gaspar_user> -L
Where <gaspar_user> is your GASPAR username. Your password is required.


You can mount your SMB share on your Linux system using:

sudo mount -t cifs //<smb_share> -o user=<gaspar_user>,domain=intranet /path/of/mount

  • <gaspar_user> is your GASPAR username. Your password is required.
  • <smb_share> is the name of your SMB share on the storage.
  • The folder /path/of/mount has to exist beforehand and can be anything you decide on your machine. You can create it yourself if needed.

For example, to mount the SMB share scitas-ge on /mnt/scitas-ge on your local machine:

sudo mount -t cifs // -o user=jdoe,domain=intranet /mnt/scitas-ge


Subsequent commands you use on data in your mount space would require sudo aswell

Mount a subfolder#

You can aswell mount only a subfolder of your SMB share if needed by using /path/of/mount/myfolder instead of /path/to/mount.

For example, to mount only a subfolder named my_sub_folder from share scitas-ge:

sudo mount -t cifs // -o user=jdoe,domain=intranet /mnt/scitas-ge/my_sub_folder


In the file explorer address bar above the file list, type the address \\\<smb_share>, where <smb_share> is the name of your share on storage. You will be prompted to enter your GASPAR credentials.