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Storage resources overview#


The SCITAS IT infrastructure represents a state-of-the-art, data-centric hardware ecosystem designed to support the main tasks in scientific computing workflows. Like computing resources, the storage system is billed using a pay-per-use model. This means each lab only pays for the disk space they actually use and not for a quota of disk space.

The storage is organized in three different categories, each having a specific purpose:

  • Central storage: the centralized service allows data access across all computing infrastructures, complying with the POSIX standard. Data in the /work directory is accessible through the EPNET network using NFS and SMB protocols. SCITAS also provides an object storage service for scientific data exchange that is accessible from the Internet.
  • Archiving Storage: the long-term storage solution includes 20'000 TB tape storage, multi-tiering driven by user, configured in full multi-site backup (10'000TB).
  • Temporary Storage: each cluster is equipped with a high-performance, parallel "scratch" storage space, designated specifically for the temporary housing of data during scientific computations.

Storage infrastructure#

SCITAS 2024 Ressources

Last update: February 19, 2024