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General FAQ#

Connecting to the Clusters#

Why can't I connect to the clusters from home?#

You can but to do so requires passing via the EPFL VPN service. See for how to use this service.

Why am I asked for a password while sshing from the front end to a node on Izar?#

Once logged into the Izar cluster, you can ssh directly to the node(s) running your job(s). You can avoid being asked for the GASPAR password again by creating a passwordless ssh key.

For the other clusters we now have host-based authentication and you should be able to connect from the front end to the nodes without being asked for a password.

SLURM Batch System Questions#

What's the maximum run time of a job?#

If you have a free account it's 6 hours. For paid accounts it's 3 days but you can ask to run for longer by contacting us and explaining why you need to run for more than 3 days.

How do I submit a job that requires a run time of more than three days?#

Labs with signed contracts may request a QOS for special needs. To do so, please send a request to with the subject line "HPC: request new QOS".

Can I submit array jobs and, if so, how?#

Yes, with the --array option to sbatch. See for the official documentation and our scitas-examples repository for several examples.

Can I have a paid and free account at the same time?#

The short answer is no. Once a user is part of a group that has pay-per-use access then they are removed from the Free group.

What is the difference between hpc-lab and lab ?#

hpc-lab is the name of the group to manage user access to the cluster (in the sense). lab`` is the name of the Slurm account, automatically populated with users from thehpc-lab` group. You have to use the account name lab in your batch scripts.

Is it safe to share nodes with other users?#

Yes! We use cgroups to limit the amount of CPU and memory assigned to users. There is no way for users to adversely affect each other.

How to be sure to use my free account ?#

You can include in your script

SBATCH --account=free

I have a pay-per-use account and I have run on the debug QOS. Do I have to pay for debug time?#

No. Debug time is free of charge.

What is a <job id>?#

It's the unique numerical identifier of a job and is given when you submit the job:

[user@cluster jobs]$ sbatch my_job.job
Submitted batch job 1234567
It can also be seen using squeue:
[user@cluster jobs]$ squeue
1234567 serial    my_job.job user R  1:02    1     c03

How do I display the used CPU time for my account since a certain point in time?#

You can use the sreport tool. Here is an example of query where the used time is reported in core hours. Just replace 2018-01-01T00:00:00 with the start time you wish and scitas-ge with your account name.

$ sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser -t Hour --parsable2 start=2018-01-01T00:00:00  Accounts=scitas-ge  Format=Cluster,Account,Login,Used
Cluster/Account/User Utilization 2018-01-01T00:00:00 - 2018-04-29T23:59:59 (10278000 secs)
Use reported in TRES Hours

How do I specify that my multi-node MPI job should use nodes connected to the same switch?#

You can specify the maximum number of switches to be used as follows (in this case one switch)

#SBATCH --switches=1

Please note that jobs with such requirements may take much longer to schedule than those than can be spread across the cluster. This option should only be used in very specific cases!

Is any form of simultaneous multithreading (SMT) (such as Intel's 'Hyper-Threading' or 'HT') enabled on the clusters?#

In general SMT can decrease performance if there are any shared resources in the CPU. Considering parallel codes typically all perform similar operations any such shared resources would quickly become a bottleneck. As such SMT/HT is as a general rule disabled in all SCITAS clusters.

Why does my job fail immediately without leaving any trace (output)?#

This usually happens when one specifies a non-existing working directory (for example by using: --chdir /path/that/does/not/exist).

Why does my job fail after submission with error "Invalid generic resource (gres) specification"?#

Because on Izar it's necessary to specify the --gres=gpu:X flag, where X is the number of GPUs per node you require.

How do I set up job notification emails?#

Add both following commands to your submission script to set the email address:

#SBATCH --mail-user=$FIRST_NAME.$ 
1. A valid email address, preferably one provided by EPFL. 2. A type of notification. Valid type values are NONE, BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE, ALL (equivalent to BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE, and STAGE_OUT), STAGE_OUT (burst buffer stage out and teardown completed), TIME_LIMIT. Multiple type values may be specified in a comma-separated list.

Why does my job fail after requeuing with the error "Requested operation is presently disabled for job JOBID"?#

The requeueing possibility must be explicitly requested by the user by adding the option --requeue to the batch script:

#SBATCH --requeue
Later, a job executed with this option can use the scontrol requeue JobID command to be dispatched again.

I have many jobs waiting on the queue, but I need the last job I submitted to run first. What can I do to adapt the priority of my jobs relative to each other?#

As a regular you have two options, either to hold jobs or to change a parameter called niceness.

The easiest option is to put every other job on hold (e.g. scontrol hold 12345,12346,12347) so that only job you want to run can be scheduled. Note that you will later on have to release the jobs (e.g. scontrol release 12345,12346,12347) otherwise the jobs will be on hold indefinitely.

Alternatively you can alter the order of your own jobs by adapting their niceness. When you check the properties of your job the first few lines are something like:

$ scontrol 12345
JobId=12345 JobName=test
   UserId=user(1000) GroupId=unit(2000) MCS_label=N/A
   Priority=7151 Nice=0 Account=lab-account QOS=parallel
   JobState=PENDING Reason=None Dependency=(null)
   Requeue=0 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=1 Reboot=0 ExitCode=0:0

Please note the Priority and Nice parameters. Priority is a dynamical variable which Slurm uses to define the order of jobs on queues. Higher priority jobs, as expected, will run earlier all else being equal. You cannot change the priority of the job, since Slurm adjusts it at regular intervals.

You can, however, change the niceness of the job. The Nice value will be subtracted from the Priority so the higher you set Nice the lower the final Priority for the job. As a regular user you cannot set negative Nice values, so you cannot adapt your important job, you have to set higher Nice values for your other jobs.

On the example above, you see Priority=7151 and Nice=0, which is the default Nice value. If you wanted job 23456 to run first and the priority of that job is currently 3000 then you'd need to change the niceness of your high priority job by at least 4152 (one more than the difference). We change all the other jobs at once, as well:

$ scontrol update job 12345,12346,12347 nice=4200

If you now look at the queue:

$ squeue -u $USER
             23456   standard  test     user PD       0:00      2 (Resources)
             12345   standard  test     user PD       0:00      2 (Priority)
             12346   standard  test     user PD       0:00      2 (Priority)
             12347   standard  test     user PD       0:00      2 (Priority)

Your most recent job is now on top of your queue. If you want you can later on change the nice value for your jobs once more. Otherwise older jobs will be for a while of lower priority relative to the younger ones.

Another user has a lot of jobs running or in the queue, is that abuse?#

Submitting many jobs is generally acceptable, as Slurm uses a fair-share system to ensure that a user can't take over the resources just by submitting many jobs. See Slurm Job Priorities for more details on this.

Why is my job still pending while other user job submissions run much sooner?#

This is quite usual and happens due to jobs being scheduled to run according to their computed priority. The priority depends on many factors, including your job's QOS, but also your account's fairshare. For more details on this, please see Slurm Job Priorities.

Where can I find the official sbatch documentation ?#

You can check the official documentation for details.

File System Questions#

Where is my /scratch space?#

Your /scratch space is located at /scratch/<username>. You can also access it using the $SCRATCH environment variable.

Can you recover an important file that was on my scratch area?#

NO. /scratch is not backed up so the file is gone forever. Please, note that we automatically delete files on scratch to prevent it from filling up!

I've deleted a file on /home or /work - How can I recover it?#

If it was deleted in the last seven days then you can use the daily snapshots to get it back. These can be found at:

/work/.snapshots/<date>/<laboratory or group>/
e.g. /home/.snapshots/2015-11-11/bob/.

File System Backup

The /home file system is backed up onto tape. If the file was deleted more than a week before we may be able to help. The /work file system is not backed up by default.

How to display quota and usage information for the /home and /work file systems?#

  1. /home: to get user quota and file system usage for your group members, use the following command:

    $ fsu -q /home

  2. /work: to get group quota and file system usage for your group members, use the following command:

    $ fsu -q /work

Why do I get "Disk quota exceeded" ?#

You exceeded your quota on /home or /work, even when you free space the quota is not instantly recomputed. It's usually pretty fast, but depends on the file system general usage.

It's recomputed every week on Sunday. In case of problem please contact us.

How can I edit a file in the clusters using an application on my computer?#

If you wish to manipulate file on the remote file system by using a software that is installed on your workstation you can mount the remote file system by using sshfs. After installing it, you can type from a terminal:

$ sudo mkdir /media/dest
$ sudo sshfs -o allow_other <username>@<cluster><username> /media/dest
where <username> is your GASPAR account and <cluster> is the cluster file system you wish to mount.

Software Questions#

I want to use an Intel software on my own machine/server. How can I do it?#

Yes, Intel now provides its OneAPI suite for free. You have access to the compilers, MPI library and different tools.

Why do I get the error "module: command not found" or "slmodules: command not found"?#

This is probably because you have Tcsh as your login shell and the environment isn't propagated to the compute nodes.

In order to fix the issue please change the first line of your job script as follows:

#!/bin/bash -l
#!/bin/tcsh -l
The -l option tells Bash/Tcsh to launch an interactive shell which correctly sources the files in /etc/profile.d/.

How can I change my default shell?#

Most systems use Bash by default and most of our documentation assumes your default shell is Bash. You can change your default shell on this page.

Ask the Intel Math Kernel link line advisor

If you use the Intel compilers then you can pass the -mkl flag which will do the hard work for you.

What compilers/MPI combination do you support?#

SCITAS supports Intel compilers and Intel MPI or GCC compilers and OpenMPI. Other combinations are not supported (if provided they will be supported on a best-effort basis).

Why does my COMSOL job fail to get a license?#

Occasionally your COMSOL jobs might fail with a message such as:

Could not obtain license for COMSOL ...

License error: -5.
 No such product exists.
 No such feature exists.
 Feature:       COMSOL
 License path:  ...
 FlexNet Licensing error:-5,414
There are particularly few license tokens for some COMSOL features (5 or 10 tokens are common) and problems are expected. We go into more detail on this issue and possible workarounds in this page.

(Alternatively, if possible for the task you are doing, you can try to use other equivalent software packages like ANSYS.)


Which cluster can I use to run jobs using GPUs?#

At the moment, we have one GPU accelerated cluster:

What kind of access can I have?#

There are two different kind of access, depending on your account type:

  1. Pay-per-use → users have access to GPUs via --qos=gpu
  2. Free → users have access to GPUs via --qos=gpu_free

Non Paying Access

Non paying access (--qos=gpu_free) is limited to a maximum run time of 12 hours and only one node.

How do I submit jobs to the GPU nodes?#

If you have a paid access then you need to pass the following options:

--partition=gpu --qos=gpu --gres=gpu:X
Where X is the number of GPUs required per node.

If you have been granted a free access then you need to pass the these options:

--partition=gpu --qos=gpu_free --gres=gpu:X
Where X is the number of GPUs required per node.

QOS / Partition#


The Helvetios cluster has been removed from pay-per-use usage and will remain available for educational purposes only. It uses the same software stack and QOS as the Jed cluster.


You can find the details on the QOS structure here.


You will find the information about our QOS and partitions configuration here

I need Help !#

Please find here the instructions to contact the SCITAS Support Team.

Last update: October 17, 2023